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Getting diagnosed with a serious illness can be a lot for someone to handle. However, thanks to palliative care, you have options when it comes to helping to manage a cure and to get you through this situation. If you or someone you know is dealing with a serious illness and considering palliative care, here are questions you should ask your provider.

1. How Do I Know If I’m Eligible?

If you have a serious illness such as late-stage cancer, you will likely be eligible for palliative care to pursue comfort. You can seek this type of care for various types of serious illnesses in which you need emotional, psychological, and physical support. Check with your healthcare provider for the best palliative care in your area. Your insurance provider may have specific options for palliative care for you to consider.

2. How Long Will I Need This Care?

The amount of time that you’ll need palliative care simply depends on your situation. According to The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, despite being given a six-month prognosis, some patients in hospice care have lived another two to three years. Considering the stage your illness is at can help determine how long you may expect to need treatment.

3. What Services Are Included in Palliative Care?

Palliative care can include medical, emotional, social, and spiritual support for you and your family. Depending on your needs and preferences, you may receive services such as pain and symptom management, counseling, advance care planning, spiritual guidance, and bereavement support. In other words, these services can make it easier for you and your family to handle your illness at this time.

4. How Can I Find a Good Palliative Care Provider?

One way to find a good palliative care provider is to ask for a referral from your primary care doctor or specialist. You may search online for providers in your area. Consider their reputation, services, credentials, experience, availability, and compatibility with your values and beliefs.

Deciding to pursue palliative care can help you better manage your disease. We’re a Jewish-certified hospice in San Antonio by the National Jewish Institute. Our 24/7 services include routine care, respite care, general inpatient care, and continuous home care. Contact Harbour Hospice today, so we can help you with the care you need.

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