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Home health care continues to surge in demand as more of the U.S. population ages. In fact, according to Hospice At Your Side, 22% of the population nationwide will be older than 65 by 2040. This increase has left many families taking on palliative care, which can be heartbreaking. Fortunately, there are several ways a home health aide can help your family. Let’s review them below.

Respite Days

Many families take on the task of caring for loved ones. This can look like going grocery shopping, taking on other errands, assisting with bathing and dressing, and more. Sometimes, you simply need a break. We offer special respite care to ensure you can enjoy your time with your aging loved one instead of feeling like a 24/7 caretaker.

Palliative Care

Palliative care can be challenging to deliver to a loved one because it limits the time you spend with them and may delay the grief process. Instead of enjoying time with your loved one, you’ll be worried about their care. Investing in a home health aide can ensure you can create memories with them that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.

Home Services

Health care doesn’t have to take place in a facility. Our home health aides can come to your house to provide a wide range of services. Respite care can occur in your home for a couple of hours or however long you need. Aides can also deliver home health care services, such as assisting with bathing.

Family Support

Home health aides understand the emotional toll an aging relative can have on family members. Aides often speak with family members while providing in-home care to ensure the entire family is supported. They can advise on how to care for yourself during this emotional time. Many aides can also refer you to other services, such as grief counseling if you need additional help.

Religious Care

Religious families must have help from people who respect their religious background and traditions. Often, services affiliated with a particular religion can provide or refer you to religious services to ensure your loved one stays connected with their faith. They can also assist in ensuring that loved ones still have access to religious services.

We are the only Jewish-certified hospice service in San Antonio. Our company provides in-home care, palliative care, respite care, and more. Contact Harbour Hospice today to learn more about our services.

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